
Our Nursery

Established 2003

Our team of childcare professionals work hard to provide all children with the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge during their time with us.


Ofsted logo :

Gooseberry Bush Day Nursery is situated between Tetbury and Cirencester within a single storey building featuring high specifications and facilities to ensure a safe and stimulating environment for all children.

Cotswold Business Park

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Useful Information

Age Groups

We offer places to children from 3 months to 5 years.

Day and Times

We are open 7.30am – 6 pm, Mon- Fri, 51 weeks a year (minus bank holidays). We offer full and part time places.


We provide three main meals and two snacks during the course of each day. If you would like a copy of our menu, please request this from the office.

Nursery Education Grants

We accept Nursery Education Grant funded places for eligible two, three and four year olds. Our afternoon sessions can be funded using the government’s Nursery Education Grant. Since the 15 hours must cover the entire term and holiday period the funded hours available to parents, typically, work out as:

Summer term - 195 hours across 22 weeks = 8.8 funded hours per week.

Autumn term – 210 hours across 18 weeks = 11.6 funded hours per week.

Spring term – 165 hours across 13 weeks = 12.6 funded hours per week.

Any other sessions are charged at our normal price. (See fee structure)

Childcare Vouchers

We accept all brands of childcare vouchers which you might get from your employer.

Exclusion Policy

Gooseberry Bush Day Nursery has procedures for illness & communicable diseases if you would like a copy of this please request this from the office.



Our childcare fees include nappies, meals and everything your child may need during their time with us. To make paying for your childcare easier we accept payment by standing order and company childcare vouchers and offer discounts for full time bookings. If you would like more information regarding our fees, payment, or if you would like to arrange a visit, our setting managers are here to help.

Full Day 08:00 - 18:00


Half Day AM 08:00 - 12:45


Half Day PM 13:15 - 18:00


Early start 07:30-8:00


Service charge costs for NEF



For Parents

Private Fostering

You can find out more about Private Fostering here.

Wiltshire Local Offer

Wiltshire Local Offer provides services for young people up to age 25 with special education needs and/or disabilities.

NCT Helpline

Call 0300 330 0700 or visit the NCT website for practical and emotional support support in all areas of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

Co-Parent Hub

Find out here

The Co-Parent Hub is a website that gives separated parents access to all the information and advice they need, developed in partnership with OnePlusOne, Cafcass and the Ministry of Justice.

Name Labels

We are registered with https://www.mynametags.com

Please use our school ID for orders purchased : 13822

Act Early UK - Radicalisation

A new resource specifically for families and communities who might be worried about someone has been released and is called ACT Early UK. This website provides information on the signs to look for and the Prevent helpline through which you can seek advice, in confidence, via a specialist Prevent advisor. The earlier you raise any worries, the quicker the individual can access support.

Childhood Bereavement Network

Access this hub for those supporting children and young people with bereavement. https://childhoodbereavementne...

Group illustration